You ask, what is the Dalecarlian or Dala horse? Wikipedia defines as "a traditional carved and painted wooden statuette of a horse originating in the Swedish province of Dalarna." The history of these horses goes way back to the 1700s when men would carve them from their left over wood scrapping's when away from their families during the long cold winters. Today, they are a symbol of all Swedish handicrafts.
To me, this bright, happy horse is a symbol of my family and love for beautiful things. My mother has always had Dala horses around the house while growing up, but last Christmas I received my first Dala horse. Ever since it has become my go-to good luck charm. Events from the past year have made me believe this horse will get me through just about anything. My little horse was in my purse interviewing for my newly landed job, kissed before signing for our new apartment, and the very first thing I see every morning standing tall next to my alarm clock. Every time I look at the colors and intricate swirls of the brush strokes, I am reminded of my mothers artistic skills and my grandmothers Swedish heritage.
Now that you know where the inspiration for the blog name comes from, Welcome!

This will be a space where I will thread ideas, thoughts and fun as I evolve from a twenty something year old.
I will share with you all the finds from beautiful rooms to experiences to random moments.
I look forward to the ride with you!
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